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what is natercia up to


<  curator - "urbansonic" - online group show

<  curator - "a piece of my cake - colomba" - online group show


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<  "en er was licht / let there be light)" /equivocal signage (2020)/ - PLAYroom, zaandam, the netherlands

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<  curator - "a piece of my cake - colomba" - online group show

< “ARTsunami” /Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme/ - PLAYroom, zaandam, the netherlands

<  curator - "a day / ein tag" - online solo exhibition of Kaori Hiraiwa

<  "AHang" /the other piece 2010/ - karachi literature festival, pakistan

<  curator - "THE REJECTS" - online group show

<  "the wtich is black" /the other piece 2010/ - milan, italy

<  "veniceland artprize" /supper 2017/ - treviso, italy

<  "AHang" /the other piece 2010/ - lahore, islamabad, karachi, pakistan

<  curator - "BEYOND - the windows of the east coast" - online solo exhibition of yasuhiro iguchi


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<  co-curating - "global videos" with stichting white cube - milan

<  "kunst im dialog" /the dark room 2017/ - rathausgalerien, landshut, germany

<  "the dark room"  /secret whispers 2018/the dark room 2017/ a loving dedication to the lovely you 2009/ - dot room, milan, italy

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<  "contrast" /supper 2017/the dark room 2017/ - dot room, milan, italy

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<  curator - "SCALE" - online group show

<  "cruising by night" /frog in a well 2015/ - group exhibition - alkmaar, netherlands

<  "video party 2017" /HE 2014/ - lumen gallery, kyoto, japan


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<  co-curating - "global videos" with stichting white cube - milan, macau, hong kong

<  'EXiM 2016 portugal & macau experimental video festival" /HE 2014/walking on ashes 2011/ - ox warehouse, macau

<  "paratissima torino" /HE 2014/ - turin, italy

<  "nada festival" /frog in a well 2015/ - oporto, portugal

<  "hot house" /frog in a well 2015/luce 2015/ - spinnerei rundgang - pilotenkueche, leipzig, germany

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<  "wer ist diese stadt" /parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 2010/ - eastside pilotenkueche, leipzig, germany

<  curator - "GOOD FENCES MAKE GOOD NEIGHBORS" - online group show


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<  "international experimental video-art festival" /walking on ashes 2011/ - museo de almeria, spain

<  "outside my garden" - solo exhibition - pavilhão de exposições e espectáculos artísticos para jovens, macau

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<  "h.arriva a mura festival" /HE 2014/self portrait of motion2014/ - palazzolo sull'oglio, italy

<  curator - "STREET.LIFE" - online group show

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<  curator - "THE CLASSWORK"  - online group show

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<  "naa festival" /walking on ashes 2011/ - barcelos, portugal

<  "vafa festival" /substance encounters 2010/ - a fundação oriente, macau

<  "world exhibition of young artists" /the other piece 2010/ - group exhibition - 3003 studio - xii an, china / geneva, switzerland / annecy, france / kunming, china

<  "free individual travel… how much free?"" /the other piece 2010/ - group exhibition - ox warehouse, macau

<  "she blocks the highway" - participatory project - fotanian openstudio, hong kong

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<  "walking on ashes" /walking on ashes 2011/ - master project exhibition - bauhaus universität, weimar, germany

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<  "mediale lebens(t)räume" /the other piece 2010/parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 2010/ group exhibition - kulturforum haus dacheröden erfurt, germany

<  "color-coded sapiens" - project exhibition - bauhaus universität, weimar, germany

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<  "full dome festival 2011" /substance encounters 2010/ - zeiss planetarium, jena, germany


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<  "vergiss weimar 2010" /a loving dedication to the lovely you 2009/ - group exhibition - nietzsche-gedächtnishalle, weimar, germany

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<  "macanese cuisine in auction" 2009/ - weimar, germany

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