Participating artists (15 May - 15 June):
Shelly Xiong (DE/USA), Fariha Rashid (PK), Naakita Feldman-kiss (CA), Wu Siou Ming (TW), Joe Pansa (IT)
Hello, welcome everyone :) please tell us about yourself, you can add images and videos too, don't be shy!
It's a sketch of a project :)
cool, is it new?
Hello, I am Ming, an media artist bases in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, share my small piece for you. except artwork, I also do music & sound production, sound design etc. Happy to meet you guy.
Nice to be here:)
Warm regards from Kaohsiung City.
hihi, the post pages should be on soon, there's been some problem on the website hosting service regarding the loading of the instagram feed... boo
in the meantime, please introduce yourself here :)