Hey all! I'm Andrea, an artist originally from New Jersey, USA now living, studying, and making art in Leipzig, Germany. Just a little introduction to what I do:
I am a sculpture and installation artist working with fiber art techniques and materials. Currently most of my work is 2D tapestry, but I have an exhibition in September where I think most of them will be installed as 3D works... Still figuring that out. Which you will follow along my process on here :)
I deal with concepts including of psychogeography, topophilia, and nature. Basically I am really interested in the things man does within nature and to nature- specifically to make himself more comfortable. I am also interested in how people relate to place. How one fits them self within a space and how experience can alter the memories we have of space. Experience within space and bonding has been my main focus for a while now.
I make maps. In the maps I give the viewer data and information either from memory or observation about that place I am making a map of... It isn't meant to be accurate, it's just supposed to lend a story and situation to the viewer in a statistical or educational form. I like this place between education and soul. What is instinct and what is science. I often find myself searching between where one boundary ends and the other begins. It's pretty cozy there.
check out my site for more infos: www.andreagarciavasquez.com
looking forward to cyberly meet you all!
HAHAH thanks CB team! im too modest to say stuff like that on here ;)
but here are my current studio jamz: